Monday, November 27, 2017

(the death of) Citizenship and Law in Ireland

 This  Irish government will collapse this week. The next government will collapse in similar fashion. The problem is that the new colonial dispensation reorganized the state to suit our new colonial masters like Silicon Valley and the quid pro quo was that the normal rule of law was to be abandoned. So a justice minister felt comfortable in joining a campaign against a righteous whistleblower in the cops as that is how the establishment protected itself.

 Using what the GW Bush administration called the "weapons of the weak" - reason and publishing - my colleagues and I have just revealed the depths of state criminality in Ireland in the past 20 years;

Why the intensity this campaign against academic freedom in Ireland documented therein? We may never see a document from any government office beyond the attested drive to privatize the universities while removing them from the rule of law. In my home county, a state-sponsored body boasted of the close links to the CIA . It is a fact that privatization of state universities would be the greatest goldmine in history, particularly as the real estate could be dispensed with. It was my patriotic duty to stand up against this criminality.

There is a more fundamental issue about university presidents violating ancient common law precedents about stealing property, rights of one's person etc, and these are being allowed fade away rather than being confronted

Academic freedom depends on tenure, but the relevance of the law in society requires lawyers willing to do their job. Frankly, coming as I do from a part of the country where the Republican courts flourished until 1925,  I am tempted to invoke issues about citizenship, the role of law, and the fact that the Irish people has shown a laudable intolerance of statutory  nonsense like the recent water company's campaign to define all users of water/citizens as customers.

Finally, we find a new tactic; refusal to list a case. It looks as that tactic, coming from a state body (which DCU financially  is, despite the nonsense about autonomy), enjoys collusion from the legal profession. That will ensure a well-merited contempt for the law, and its use as instrument by the state against the citizenry, which is not a desirable outcome.

Remarkably, I set up a prize-winning online university in the meantime and the top mind conference in the world in terms of downloads

PS Underlying all the actions of our self-appointed elite is the notion that white collar criminal activity was within their gift; to be engaged in, ignored or acted on as they wished. That is what brought Ireland down in 2008 and will do so repeatedly until we get a new generation of administration

PPS (10 Nollag 2017) I still stand by this. The "supply and confidence" is over. Moreover, that Brexit fudge will not take

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