Saturday, September 5, 2015

A colony once again redux

In 2005, at the peak of the Celtic bubble, I started work on the book that became “A colony once again”;

It is fair to say that it was contrarian; the cheer-leading for the miracle economy of the time was so intense that I was actually barred from broadcasting on RTE.

In 2010, Ireland lost her economic independence. Yet that was less the icing on the cake than the decoration on the icing. What I noted in 2005 was the Ur-event of neocolonization; the rejection of the natural impulse of a nation to have its sensibility reflected in the apparatus of state. The rest, as they say, is history; while I phrased the neocolonization in terms of global trends like neoconservatism and phenomenology, Ireland is now again at a critical juncture that demands we examine what went on from 1997 onward.

Briefly, if one considers the present “government” as essentially a colonial administration, everything falls into place. It is a fact that the state is on the hook for E100 + billion in debt that was passed on to the sovereign from private banks, including (in an unprecedented move) junior such debt. It is a fact that the state sponsored criminals to sell off the oeuvre of Ireland's leading musicians of the 1990's to fellow-criminals at international trade shows for cut-price sale at Walmart. It is a fact that there has not been a single prosecution for this, despite successful legal actions taken in the USA and England. It is a fact that the latitude allowed these criminals in the legal anti-matter in which we dwelt involved also enormous pressure on musicians to sign “indemnifications” which would retrospectively clothe the scams in legality.

It is a fact that repeated question in the Dail about criminal activity in the universities – including bribery and intimidation of students – were met with the response that the universities are allowed act outside the law. It is a fact that there were repeated attempts to impose an utterly inadequate e-voting system on the nation. It is a fact that when the tide went out in 2008 and we found out who was naked, several “businessmen” had loans in the $ billions that were - in that beautiful phrase - “non-performing” ie they had no intention of ever repaying them. It is a fact that the 1998 GFA deprived Ireland of a national territory and is best regarded as not just a surrender by the Provos, but is a classical Anglo-Saxon imposition  of what they wanted in 1921 ie unconditional surrender to the Anglo-american alliance.It is also a fact that, while the GFA was adopted by referendum, it was voted out by referendum in 2004 wherein the definition of the nation reverts back to the 1937 “whole island”.

Suspension of the action of criminal investigation was a major technique. That means that the DPP actually advised people to take civil actions, fully knowing how ruinously expensive they are. The creaky civil system could actually be abolished in Ireland at no risk to justice. For those not familiar with this area, it is nonsense to continue this demarcation in a country where “contempt of court” is a criminal verdict arising from civil proceedings. Another major technique was refusal to stop trading after dissolution companies owned by wealthy individuals like U2.

Remarkable resources have been invested to curtail the natural fecundity of the Irish while forcing them to accept hordes from Eastern Europe. Soon, of course, we will  be told to vote to accept n abortion regime that ensures the Kermit gosnells of Ireland will be honored. The division of job agencies into one dealing with domestic companies and the IDA, dealing with foreign such, resulted in corporate takeover of hitherto superb Irish software education by American imbeciles working through Irish criminals.

So what to do? Well, the colonial system is remarkably fragile, and our current PM has announced he no longer has the stomach for the job and will retire soon. That is not surprising, as he is no longer safe walking down the street. 

Like Scotland, Ireland has a venerable culture, massive natural resources that are being stolen from us by the day, and a gifted native population. We can turn everything around in a year once we get rid of the gangsters currently in power.

Here is the plan;

  1. Agree to put corporate tax up to 35% as a quid pro quo for a debt writedown. As this should apply only to services, it is likely that Intel will stay
  2. Being Irish is still the no. 1 ethnicity in the world. We have given it away too cheaply to Americans, who reciprocate by falsely accusing and then deporting our women on at least two occasions. Let Americans work for Irish credentials by passing a culture exam and paying 1% of their income to us
  3. Reassert the claim on the whole island, and allow a referendum take place that will allow parts of the NE corner to secede. Irish credentials can be gained by people in these seceded areas. For the rest of the NE corner, a vote of over 60% in electoral areas will allow them access to Irish passports without passing a culture exam. If there are riots as a result of this, send in the army
  4. Reinstate the 1916 document as the founding document of the state, and insist as all Irish patriots have done that even 1921 was a forced compromise too many, Accept also 1919 (first Dail), 1937, and rescind 1608 (the evil "Tanistry" decision that resulted in recission of the Brehon law regime