Saturday, September 27, 2014

What we Irish should learn from the Scottish independence referendum

Ireland’s colonial history and the genocide repeatedly visited on the country are well-known facts. Less well-known is that Ireland became the donkey on which the  tail was pinned in 2010, the international debtor of last resort;

Since this indenture was imposed on Ireland, approximately 250k of the brightest and best have left the country. It is  clear that we were never meant to recover from the famine and Cromwellian genocides; it is equally clear that this is the Endlosung, the final solution with a debt that cannot be repaid forever burdening Ireland.

In 1998 the Irish people were conned into giving up their national territory (all of it, not just the NE corner) in the name of “peace”. They were told that there would be a referendum in that corner to determine its status; there is no sign of it. However, in 2004  there WAS a referendum in the rest of the island in which the people decided 80:20 that the 1998 definition of the nation was wrong.

Now we know what will await us if the NI referendum comes to pass. The US president will weigh in for a “No” vote;

This is particularly the   case as the Obama administration persistently uses Ireland as a whipping-boy be it for his obsession with gender “rights” or tax;

From the ramparts of  international neoliberal establishment we will experience fire;

So what can be done? Elsewhere in my “Ireland in crisis” book, I proposed a new constitution in which Ireland reinstates its claim on its territory and interprets the NI referendum as the opportunity for electoral areas to secede.

It is my belief that we are undergoing yet another genocide. I do not believe that we are still meant to be producing the level of high culture we are doing, just as the success of the Irish in America was not foreseen. The “Ireland in crisis” book is full of solutions, at the political, administrative, technological and state narrative levels. The way things are deteriorating in Ireland, they may even be implemented

  Seán O Nualláin

PS (28 April 2015) What of sinn fein holding the balance of power in Westminster after holding their noses/crossing their fingers as they swear loyalty a la 1927?

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