Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Announcing an online course in Irish music and song taught at UC Berkeley

We are currently offering an online course on “Irish Music and Song ” precisely as 
taught as an advanced seminar in UC Berkeley .

A sample lecture and outline of the course can be found at


You can simply become a member of the following blog to enroll;

Queries can be sent to universityofireland@gmail.com

The course costs $25, and will run with lectures posted on the blog every week from Sept 19 for 5 weeks Passwords will be issued to members.

  Please pay at


It does NOT use video, as we believe that slides + voiceover is a more economical means of learning. The method of assessment is essay submission at the end of the course. As with all the other courses in Stanford's recent offerings (which includes a Berkeley course on software as a service), it is NOT accredited by UC Berkeley , but taught exactly as in UC Berkeley

Students who submit an essay will be given a signature of completion and an indication of where they would have finished vis a vis the Berkeley class

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