Thursday, February 13, 2014

Monica Lewinsky, the founder of modern Ireland

Monica Lewinsky, the founder of modern Ireland

With some justice, it has often been postulated that Oliver Cromwell is the true father of the Irish nation. While his own surveyor, Petty, documented that OC did a population cull of about 1/3 of the population, the fact remains that the factionalism that weakened the Irish response to him attenuated considerably – for a while, at least.

20 years ago, it was reasonable to think, in the wake of the IRA ceasefire, that a 32-county united Ireland was in the offing for 2014. Moreover, it was to be a country with considerable cultural and technological clout; our software engineers and musicians were acknowledged as wold class. It looked like Joyce's dream in the “Voyage of Bran” final section of Ulysses was to be realized.

So what happened? First of all, John Major allowed the Republicans rifle through Bill Clinton's personnel file at oxford to see if, in his zeal to avoid Vietnam, he had applied for a British passport. Once elected, BC's response was to overrule all the advice of his security staff and inflict Gerry Adams on the world. GA up to that point was an incompetent and deeply compromised ex-activist in the IRA, surrounded by spies like Scappaticci and Donaldson, and responsible for at least 4 unnecessary deaths in the hunger strike as Richard O'Rawe has demonstrated.

Yet the Americans were still respecting Ireland's national aspirations until the Monica Lewinsky incident. Then the game between “deal at all costs” to burnish BC's image. The fact that the 26-county state was sacrificed for GA and his cronies should not escape anyone at this stage. It is also clear from Mitch Reiss's public statements (eg UC Berkeley Mar 8 2012) that the British kept GA alive to push through this deal

So we Irish have ended up as a “state” with no national territory under an “agreement” any detail of which the Brits can welsh on at any moment, as Mandelson demonstrated when he collapsed the assembly. In my book “Ireland in crisis” I have proposed a solution – we reinstate the claim on the whole island and allow the referendum proposed in the 6 counties under the GFA take place as a secession license by individual counties. Moreover, just in case anyone ever says again that Ulster is majority British, we allow Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan the right to join Britain Residents of counties voting to leave Ireland would lose automatic entitlement to Irish passports, and would have to qualify in tests similar to the ones the French use to assess citizenship material.

These tests can indeed be spread to the USA, whose Irish population is doing nothing for Ireland in the absence of direction from the Irish "state", , and Argentina, whose Irish population is very culturally simpatico. The USA has always sided with Britain against Ireland; it is absurd that so many of its population have Irish passports without any commitment to the country. There should be  a quid pro quo where these passports are retracted unless the 50k "undocumented' Irish in the USA get green cards.

The result would be that only Antrim and Down would stay with Britain and it would not be difficult to control these areas. To hang on to your passport, you would have to re-qualify. With his lack of knowledge of Irish, no Gaelic games background, and a selective version of Irish history, it is likely that the right honorable GA – like many of his cronies – would fail to qualify.

PS The Free State has of course decided to interfere with our lives as Irish living in the USA. Get us citizenship? You must be joking! Junior minister Joan Burton of the Labour parasite party has decided not to grace the St pat's day Parade in NY. Hopefully the NY community will exclude her and others of her ilk from the Free State from other events, since they are obviously not happy here.


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