Second call for papers for the International Congress of Irish Studies ICIS 2 symposium
The re-enchantment of Ireland
Prof Des O'Neill
Prof MacSwiney-Brugha
Prof MacSwiney-Brugha, Dr Des Fennell and Feargus Denman
Arthur Riordan and Melanie O'Reilly
frustration experienced by Ireland's public and, indeed, members of the
political class, in the face of a calamitous reality-check amidst the
broader international economic crisis, is often told; equally, the
tentative-to-meek Irish response, almost without protest, in the face of
recent calamity. This panel continues a conversation that has so far
failed to ignite real political impetus in seeking renovation of the
Irish republic.
“Just Once or with improbable frequency: Can the unlikely success of left-field Irish musical theatre be continued?”
In recent years Ireland has produced high caliber musical theatre across genres, from historical science counter-fact
of Improbable Frequency through the biting political satire of Anglo!
Of a sudden, it has seemed, Ireland has a burgeoning tradition in
quality musical theatre. Participants in this panel consider the
possibility of its success being sustained and young talents nurtured in
the present economy of arts.
No-one will be turned away for want of funds.
For further details about ICIS, proposals for any additional panel and submission of abstracts please contact or
Provisional schedule;
Nov 8 10am – 1pm
9 am – noon Episodes from an incomplete coup
Session chair/moderator Prof Des O’Neill
Des O’Neill “The failed privatization of the Irish medical system”
Break 10-30 am tea/coffee
11 am Sean O Nuallain "From social partnership to corporatism and beyond; the state and Irish civil society"
Moderated discussion
(Provisional) Press conference on the state's collusion with criminals in defrauding Irish musicians
Nov 8 2pm- 4pm Intellectual Freedom Session chair/moderator Feargus Denman
2pm Cathal Macswiney Brugha "Terence MacSwiney and Intellectual Freedom"
3pm round-table discussion chaired by Feargus Denman
4pm Break am tea/coffee
4-30pm submitted papers
Nov 9 10am – 1 pm
Panel discussion on the perceived necessity for a second republic, to be chaired/moderated by Demond Fennell.
Joe McCarthy ( “Hanging chads and other garbage: waste, power and voting in the first Irish republic”
Break 11 am tea/coffee
11-15 Sean O Nuallain “The Tim Pat Coogan/Dan Rooney visa affair: does the USA really support the idea of a united 32-county Irish republic?"
11-45Desmond Fennell
12-15 Cathal Macswiney Brugha "The second Dail and the first Irish republic"
12-45 Gabriel Rosenstck; "From Christ to Krishnamurphy; postchristian secular Europe's search for its roots" Discussion
1-30 Lunch
Nov 9 2pm - 5pm
: "Independent artists and undependable regulators: rights and oversight in
the Irish music industry"
Introduction 2-30pm “The Irish music scam; how corruption in IMRO and the state regulatory bodies destoyed one of Ireland's flagship industries” (conference chair)
2-40 Melanie O'Reilly: "The Irish music biz: celtic mysteries, hiddenagendas, and why I became a singing detective."
Reply/amlpification by Danny Macarthy
3-45 pm Tea!coffee
4pm “Just once or with improbable frequency; can the success of Irish musical theater be continued?”Panel discussion, chaired by Ronan Smith who will make introductory comments
. Discussants include Arthur Riordan, Ronan Smith,Melanie O’Reilly
The re-enchantment of Ireland
Nov 8-9 2013 at the Donnybrook Room, Bewley's Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Confirmed plenary speakers/panellists include Dr Desmond
Fennell, Arthur Riordan, Prof. Des O'Neill, Prof Cathal MacSwiney-Brugha, Gabriel rosenstock, Ronan Smith and Melanie
O'ReillyProf Des O'Neill
Prof MacSwiney-Brugha
Arthur Riordan and Melanie O'Reilly
Confirmed panels include
"Episodes from an incomplete coup"
"Episodes from an incomplete coup"
In the course of the last two decades, lamented failings in Irish political culture an acknowledged democratic deficit at the broader level of the European Union have
been a backdrop to numerous more specific incidents where the
responsibility of the state and public institutions to serve Ireland's
citizenry with impartial prudence has been flouted. These disquieting
patterns and certain particulars will here be discussed.
“To declare a new republic, or not?”
“Just Once or with improbable frequency: Can the unlikely success of left-field Irish musical theatre be continued?”
"Intellectual life, academe and common knowledge in Ireland"
education in Ireland is under strain, stretched thin by budget cuts and
confused agenda. Intellectual life (whether as vocation or formation)
should serve not only to educate an economically productive populace,
but also the production and circulation of knowledge as a common good.
This panel invites discussants to reflect upon their experience of the
ideal University in Ireland, however imperfectly embodied, not only in
educational institutions, but also in the public sphere, where
journalism and the media are integral to the kind of 'information
economy' that is indispensable for real democracy.
The deadline for abstracts, which can be up to 300 words, is Oct 5 2013; however, potential participants for the panels and indeed proposals for other panels will be accepted until Oct 15.
There is a suggested fee of 40 Euro per session, 100 Euro for all sessions.
Cheques should be made payable to Nous Research, Dublin 4.
Students are encouraged to attend any single session of especial interest without payment.Cheques should be made payable to Nous Research, Dublin 4.
No-one will be turned away for want of funds.
Provisional schedule;
Nov 8 10am – 1pm
9 am – noon Episodes from an incomplete coup
Session chair/moderator Prof Des O’Neill
Des O’Neill “The failed privatization of the Irish medical system”
Break 10-30 am tea/coffee
11 am Sean O Nuallain "From social partnership to corporatism and beyond; the state and Irish civil society"
Moderated discussion
(Provisional) Press conference on the state's collusion with criminals in defrauding Irish musicians
Nov 8 2pm- 4pm Intellectual Freedom Session chair/moderator Feargus Denman
2pm Cathal Macswiney Brugha "Terence MacSwiney and Intellectual Freedom"
3pm round-table discussion chaired by Feargus Denman
4pm Break am tea/coffee
4-30pm submitted papers
Nov 9 10am – 1 pm
Panel discussion on the perceived necessity for a second republic, to be chaired/moderated by Demond Fennell.
Joe McCarthy ( “Hanging chads and other garbage: waste, power and voting in the first Irish republic”
Break 11 am tea/coffee
11-15 Sean O Nuallain “The Tim Pat Coogan/Dan Rooney visa affair: does the USA really support the idea of a united 32-county Irish republic?"
11-45Desmond Fennell
12-15 Cathal Macswiney Brugha "The second Dail and the first Irish republic"
12-45 Gabriel Rosenstck; "From Christ to Krishnamurphy; postchristian secular Europe's search for its roots" Discussion
1-30 Lunch
Nov 9 2pm - 5pm
: "Independent artists and undependable regulators: rights and oversight in
the Irish music industry"
Introduction 2-30pm “The Irish music scam; how corruption in IMRO and the state regulatory bodies destoyed one of Ireland's flagship industries” (conference chair)
2-40 Melanie O'Reilly: "The Irish music biz: celtic mysteries, hiddenagendas, and why I became a singing detective."
Reply/amlpification by Danny Macarthy
3-45 pm Tea!coffee
4pm “Just once or with improbable frequency; can the success of Irish musical theater be continued?”Panel discussion, chaired by Ronan Smith who will make introductory comments
. Discussants include Arthur Riordan, Ronan Smith,Melanie O’Reilly